Maybe I should say she had the use of a 200sx haha
Has it still got the s15 turbo and diff or has he robbed them parts?,suspect as read turbo loose/prop loose?,
and glad it's getting spread about,that is really taking the pi$$ like it could have been sold? wtf
that's a special kind of low to take someones car and lie from the start like he planned to do it
struggling with how he thought he could keep it or get away with selling it, like you would just give it to him?
Sorry to see this Simon, it's a good while since I've seen the car but it was really nice and well minded - hope you get it sorted and there are no other consequential issues like the others are finding...
Its been a while alright since ive spoken to yeah. Hope alls good with yeah ?
Hoping there are no other issues have heard a good few things from trying to sell my turbo, which he took off the car. to dropping the engine when taking it out.
Hearing storys of him bouncing it off the rev limiter trying to drift it.
But the body is getting sorted as we speak and should be a lovely shade of midnight purple 2 when its done.
And he's STILL' walking round!!![]()
Why haven't/didn't you call the police. Surely it's theft if he has your car under the premises that he's a business then try to sell your car/car parts
This is no civil matter you should get intouch with the police this is a crime at the end of the day
As above. You need to take advice on how to criminalise this. He's tried to sell your car and caused damage.
i don't think people have much of a leg to stand on legally, as rob did not operate as a company or trader and there was no formal written description of the jobs he was hired/asked/told to do. also, these were private arrangements and legally a solicitor has no case to build on that base. different story if you bring it to a bodyshop which is registered business then yes of course you can sue the ass off them, but joe from up the road cant be held responsible legally I don't think....
"If you don't fight for something, you'll fall for anything" - The Wise Man
Not entirely true. Regardless of contracts it comes under property damage so you can take a case against him. The problem tho is if the defendant is unemployed or has no assets, like I believe is the case with this shitehawk, then you just end up with legal bills and **** all to show for it.
Best course of action is small claims court I think, as the costs are much lower across the board. Unfortunately the maximum "small" claim in Ireland is €2,000, as opposed to the UK which is £10,000.
Not bad thanks, trying to get an ambitious non rolling zenki project off the ground but life (house / wedding / child) is getting in the way, will get there eventually
Very nicelook forward to seeing the finished product
I would definately be speaking with the Gardai though, if you can get some of those lads on the Irish Drift Community group to provide statements surely you can prove that he stole / tried to sell stolen goods / was in possession of stolen goods (your car, turbo etc.) and he could be done for vandalism aswell. I know none of that will make your car right or get any of your money back but it is a small bit of retrobution for being a cnut
Last edited by Trial_S15; 18-01-2016 at 13:37.