Hi, it says on your website the S14a VX kit is out of stock, when will it be available and do members get any discount?
Alex B
Hi, it says on your website the S14a VX kit is out of stock, when will it be available and do members get any discount?
Alex B
Hi alex
is it s14 or S14a? let me know and I will check for you mate.
EPRacing Ltd - Unit Q, Little Moor Lane Industrial Estate, Loughborough, LE11 1SF, UK
Tel:- 01509 211888 Email:- sales@epracing.co.uk
also interested in this for s14a..
As above for s14a, group buy??
Just check I only have one front bumper left in stock for the S14A. I will have some more arriving in about 6-8 weeks time.
EPRacing Ltd - Unit Q, Little Moor Lane Industrial Estate, Loughborough, LE11 1SF, UK
Tel:- 01509 211888 Email:- sales@epracing.co.uk
How much can be the full kit? . And the d-max?? Thanx
Did you get any 14a in? Any chance of a group buy in the next couple of months?
Id like to show interest in gb aswell
As above, I'd still be interested in the coming months.
we have some coming in at the end of February.
EPRacing Ltd - Unit Q, Little Moor Lane Industrial Estate, Loughborough, LE11 1SF, UK
Tel:- 01509 211888 Email:- sales@epracing.co.uk
Id be intrested in a kit too
I am interested in these, got any in?
yes we have them in stock.
EPRacing Ltd - Unit Q, Little Moor Lane Industrial Estate, Loughborough, LE11 1SF, UK
Tel:- 01509 211888 Email:- sales@epracing.co.uk
whats the price for an s14a vtx front bumper delivered?