Good posts.
Slow in, fast out.
May be worth running good fuel, i have now put mine on strict V-power diet.
Any suggestions on a good disk to go with the Ferodo's
Good posts.
Slow in, fast out.
May be worth running good fuel, i have now put mine on strict V-power diet.
Any suggestions on a good disk to go with the Ferodo's
I'm shocked one of the most important upgrades is overlooked, good seats and harness. Especially on the S13. Not only will good seats keep you planted so you canconcentrate on driving (instead of gripping the handbrake/door) but they provide the safety of 4-point harnesses. The harnesses have a great tribute to safety not only because there are 4 belts, but the hanress keeps you in your seat when the car rolls and lands on it's roof. Just turn the camlock and u'r out where with a regualar belt you'll have the belt tensioned and u'll need to push yourself down to release, which can be difficult in case of an injury...not to imagine in a panic situation where the car is on fire.
want to do a trackday sooo bad must spend some cash on my brakes instead of just keep making it go faster. 300ish bhp on completely standard brakes. will get it sorted this year!
Why? Do you want more stopping power of are you expiriencings heavy brake fade?
More stopping power is ONLY achievable by fitting more grip tyres, not by upgrading the brakes. Tires are what stop the car, not the brakes. Think about it, it's not difficult to lock the wheels on stock brakes, isn't it? The only way big-brakes will aid stopping power is because pressure buildup is faster. This gives you a very, very little advantage compared to better tires.
The main gain from big brakes is less fade. Bigger rotors can absorb more heat and have more area that catches cooling wind.
The cheap and very effective way to reduce fade, is by fitting high-temperature resistant brakepads and brake fluid.
I'm driving mountain passes every weekend in Germany, on stock brakes, on stock pads at around 200HP with little if no fade at all.
so are you saying having a disc of a greater diameter will not give a greater leverage and therefore stronger braking force?
Fade is caused by heat build up, if you have better pads they are resistant to fade and can cope with higher temperatures, better fluid will be more stable at higher temperatures and bigger disks will have more material to act as a heat sink.
might want to read up on your physics again.
I'm not saying they don't, I'm only saying the only benefit they give is more resistance to fade. Why would you need more braking force if your tires can't handle what you have already?! So more braking force isn't a benefit that way.
Look at it this way, why would you want 300HP if your 160/60/15 tires can't even handle 150HP?
I can see from his signature pic he's not running standard wheels straight away. and where did you get 160/60/15 from? I saw no reference to having trouble with grip, i saw a reference to brakes. standard s13 brakes are shockingly bad for fade, they will only ever last 2 heavy uses from high speed before they are seriously compromised in my experience. the braking effort is just about good enough but not for long enough
160 was to illustrate the example, if u have very narrow tires with less rubber (in total, not on road) u can't handle 200HP, spending money to make 300HP would be useless.... (in a drag race perspective to illustrate example).
I'm actually quite pleased with the 280mm discs on the facelifts, I drive around mountain passes in the Eiffel and havn't noticed ANY fade at all actually...
You must tell us how you brake then as standard pads die after 2 high speed stops for most peopleand even uprated pads and discs die very quickly on track when driven hard. We arent just talking about one brake application either, people want brakes that work and continue to work
I drive my S14 back to back with my wifes S14a and have to moderate my braking a huge amount in her car. She just has uprated pads (DS2500's) and they start to lose the ability to brake moderately quickly on some of my favourite roads. I have have uprated discs (bigger) and pads, front and back, I never have to moderate my braking on the road, they just carry on working effectively. When I had standard pads on the wifes car, the difference between hers and mine was vast, speeds had to be lower, braking points earlier and still they faded with a few fast stops.![]()
Currently scrabble powered - Leon Cupra 280
I'll make a video soon.
Sounds a silly question but I want to make sure I am prepared![]()
So far thought of:
Drivers Licence
Long sleeved jumper
Food and Drink
Spare brake fluid
Spare brake pads
Some tools - which?
What else?
Currently on semi slick yoko tyres - should I take a spare set of road tyres on rims?
Obviously I want to be prepared but I obviously dont want to be lugging round lots of stuff in the car on the track![]()
spare set of rims is a musttools wise you want a good selection so that most jobs you can possibly think of can be done - we usually take a halfords briefcase kit and then a few big manly tools on top of that.
fuel in jerrycans
any spare jubilee clips and cable ties you have.
thats about all i can think of
I would get a long sleeve T-shirt rather than jumper... If the sun comes out it's gonna get might hot in your car
Spare brake fluid? Are you planning to loose someIf you boil it, ideally you need to bleed the whole lot out, so a quick 'top up' isn't going to cut it IMO. Your brake setup should be fine though, stop being
License (inc paper)
Wallet (for more petrol)
That's all you need. You have new pads and discs on your car... I doubt you'll be going through a whole set of pads in a day!
Christ, please tell me this is your second track day and you're not silly fannying about for your first one (like you've been doing for a month + already)
Nice one guys...
What do you do with all the stuff you have to take with you? - surely you dont leave it in the car?
I obviously dont want it going missing... lol
i noticed a big difference i the length my brakes could last when i removed my arch/bumper liners to allow more air through. worth a thought if your struggling on the day.![]()