View Full Version : Rota Kyusha 17x9 17x9.5 4114 + 5114 ET12!

30-09-2014, 16:52
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10410202_10152746381123638_3198875094627430690_n.j pg?oh=daee96569e7d3a2f30a2850f16af1ec0&oe=5487E21A&__gda__=1418314853_bb2b1dfff26116cd7631a21200950d3 6

Coming tomorrow as pictured, more finishes and fitments to follow in the next few weeks :)

01-10-2014, 14:36
It's arrived, and it's awesome :D


01-10-2014, 17:07
Oo very nice. Are these going to be available in 5 stud?

02-10-2014, 06:05

02-10-2014, 08:42
These will indeed be coming in 5-stud :)

03-10-2014, 13:10
if you know... would these have clearance with Z32 brake conversion on a S13?

With these measures this wheel is awesome!

03-10-2014, 13:59
I haven't been able to try them yet on that setup, when I do know I'll post up - I expect testing on a standard S14a setup should tell us what we need to know so will set about finding one!

04-10-2014, 21:54
Thanks for the reply evilchap, can you keep me informed please? I would definitely buy a set for my s13. These wheels seems to be very similar to the gorgeous OZ Futura that are my favourite wheels so far ��

16-10-2014, 15:33
More colours and fitments now in stock...


All 3 colours are in stock in:

17x9 4x114 ET12
17x9.5 4x114 ET12
17x9 5x114 ET12
17x9.5 5x114 ET12

shikari chaos
14-10-2015, 21:05
Firstly, sorry to bring up an old thread.

I've got an S13 and going five stud, can anyone confirm if these clear Z32 brakes?

15-10-2015, 15:56
They should do, they clear S14 brakes which are pretty much the same :)

shikari chaos
18-10-2015, 23:09
Thanks for chiming in fella!
Any ideas on what kind of gap there is with S14 brakes? Also do you think the rears will be ok being twin piston instead of single? I can imagine them being quite a bit deeper than standard S14 rears...?

19-10-2015, 08:48
Yeah, there's no issue at all on the rears either, as the offset is low on the wheels, clearance is no problem :)