20-09-2011 until 07-02-2106
SXOC in Ireland - General Info *Newbies please read*
Welcome to the Ireland regional section of the SXOC!
A special thanks & acknowledgement to Wookie, Skeets and JP for providing the bulk content of this thread.
For the purpose of meets and events, Ireland is split into four areas - the North, East, West, and the south. Each area has a representative to co-ordinate meets and events for the members as can be seen at the bottom on the Main Forum page just under the Ireland link. For example:
Meets and events crop up regularly, but not to any set pattern so keep checking the board for new threads. Meets are a great opportunity to meet other owners, ask about tuning or servicing and generally have some craic.
Events such as rolling road days, go-karting,and track days are organised throughout the year. Events are primarily organised for members but "Guests"/"non-members" are equally welcome, although they are not eligible for discounts, freebies and some member-specific events.
As a 180/200sx owner you will no doubt need to ask the odd question, whilst the use of the forum is free, membership is looked upon as a way of giving something back to the club. Many people invest a lot of time into the running the club voluntarily and the servers, web space etc is paid for by the membership fees.
Membership details - Click this link!
As an SXOC Club Member there many discounts available to you from various companies, including parts, insurance, wheels etc. as opposed to forum users/"Guests". More details of these offers/discounts are available in the Members' Area of the forum which you also gain access to as part of the package as well as an email account, a member's page on the main site, and finally access to all SXOC events both nationally & internationally.
All Staff in the SXOC are volunteers so please remember this when expecting "same-business-day-delivery" of something you may ask for.
The SXOC has a good reputation so if you do happen to attend the meets/events you will be expected to behave sensibly - i.e. no donuts, burnouts etc. Please also don't post about these and other similar shinanigans on the forum
Hope to see you at the next meet!