08-12-2003 until 07-02-2106
Forum rules and advice to sellers and buyers.
When buying goods on SXOC here are the rules and some pointers and information for using this forum.
1.The SXOC is in no way responsible for non receipt of any transaction that you have with a seller for goods or wanted items YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
2. SXOC and people associated with running/helping SXOC will not get involved with transaction that go wrong for whatever reason.
3. If you are a trader please use the 'Traders' section and be sure to follow and abide by the Traders rules. http://www.sxoc.co.uk/vbb/announcement.php?f=23&a=7
4. The sale of illegally copied goods i.e. software is NOT ALLOWED. Any thread of this nature will be deleted and the thread starter will be cautioned and if necessary banned from the SXOC bulletin board.
5. Any stolen goods found to be for sale on the BB will result in banning of the seller from the BB.
6. Group buys and ventures will be offered with the permission of the SXOC committee only.
7. Please only list items that are for sale. Any threads 'Gauging Interest' or 'Possibly For Sale' will be deleted..
8. All items for sale must have a realistic price stated. Do no ask for offers and do not put farcical prices like £1000ono if you are selling something thats worth £50 for instance. If you do not know what the item is worth or how much you would like please place the item on Ebay.
9. Only Club Members can start threads for cars or bikes for sale that are not 200's/Silvias. If the vehicle in question does not belong to the member they must still act as the main point of contact and be able to answer any questions about the vehicle. Posting 'phone XXXXX for details' is not acceptable. Any member found advertising for people who have been restricted from selling on the forum will be subject to disciplinary action. Members posting on behalf of others will also be expected to help out if any problems arise between the seller and buyer
10. Sellers, please make sure you are able to dispatch sold items within a reasonable timescale to be agreed with the buyer, in the event of a transaction not being completed, though we will not get directly involved in any dispute, we will pass any details of the seller held by us onto the buyer and if nessessary the police, posting a for sale thread will be taken as an agreement to this.
11. The SXOC reserve the right to remove access to the for sale sections and/or the BB itself of anyone not complying with the for sale section rules
12. The selling of animals including dogs, cats, reptiles and fish is prohibited. However if you are looking for a home for an animal that is allowed as long as no money changes hands.
13. The SXOC reserves the right to remove any item from the For Sale forums if it might be deemed morally or legally inappropriate e.g. Counterfeit goods, Alcohol, Weapons etc.
14. Please remember although we dont charge people to sell items this isnt a free ads website. The For Sale section is to be treated as a place where you are able to sell the odd bits you no longer need and users are encouraged to get involved in all parts of the forum. Anyone found using the forum specifically to just sell items will have their access to the for sale sections removed.
1. Make sure you get as many contacts details as possible always get a landline number and not just a mobile number. And most important of all get a home address from the seller.
2. Keep all details whether they are e-mails or private messages, they can be used against someone should the deal go wrong e.g. not sending out goods/money
3. Please be clear about what you are selling and where abouts you are located. Also, if you do not plan to return here for a while, make sure you enable email or leave a phone number so that people can get back to you.
4. When people are selling goods can you only reply to them if your comments are relevant. No spamming please. No hijacking.
5. Dont think just because a user has been here for a while and has a lot of posts they are honest. Take every precaution you can just like you would if using Ebay or any classified ads.
6. If you spot something you like in the "For Sale" section its a good idea to post in the thread, and then send a PM. If its a case of first come, first served, there can therefore be no dispute as to who has requested the part first.
7. If using Paypal, it is advised not to send payment as a gift. If the seller is insistant you do then ask yourself why
8. When selling items it is advisable to take clear photos that detail the condition of the item clearly especially if their are any unique markings/details that could prove the identity of the part. In respect to things like engines, make a note of the serial number
I'm NOT the Chairman anymore, Ken was. He still likes poo though. Its not Jim either now. Ooh ooh, its now Doc!
Blue '89 S13, 362 bhp, slowly getting more battered. Spec

Opie Oils : MOT-a-Car : DriftWorks